The process of arranging related objects in parallel or at 90-degree angles for visual organization and efficiency.
The process of arranging related objects in parallel or at 90-degree angles for visual organization and efficiency.
Actions, messages, or visuals that do not align with the established brand identity and values.
Actions, messages, or visuals that are consistent with the established brand identity and values.
A reading pattern where users focus on individual elements or "spots" of interest on a page, rather than following a linear path.
A professional responsible for the creation and development of products, ensuring they meet user needs and are visually appealing and functional.
The perceived affordance of an element to be clickable, indicating that it can be interacted with.
The principle that elements in a digital interface maintain consistent appearance, position, and behavior across different pages and states to help users maintain orientation and familiarity.
A usability test where users are shown a design for 5 seconds to measure recall and initial reactions.
The quality of being uniform and coherent across different elements and touchpoints in design.