Interface Interference
A dark pattern where the user interface is manipulated in a way that prioritizes certain actions over others to benefit the company.
A dark pattern where the user interface is manipulated in a way that prioritizes certain actions over others to benefit the company.
An action in a user interface that, once performed, cannot be undone and typically involves deleting or removing content.
A step-by-step guide that helps users complete a complex task by breaking it down into manageable steps.
A graphical representation of a user or their character in digital environments.
The use of AI and advanced analytics to divide users into meaningful segments based on behavior and characteristics.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study of designing interfaces and interactions between humans and computers.
The process of designing intuitive navigation systems within a digital product that help users easily understand their current location, navigate to desired destinations, and efficiently complete tasks.
The percentage of users who take a specific action that signifies they are engaging with a product or service.
The tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events.