Banner Blindness
A phenomenon where users consciously or subconsciously ignore banner-like information or advertisements on websites.
A phenomenon where users consciously or subconsciously ignore banner-like information or advertisements on websites.
A dark pattern where the cancellation process is intentionally complicated to discourage users from canceling.
A theory of motivation that explains behavior as driven by a desire for rewards or incentives.
A dark pattern where the user interface is manipulated in a way that prioritizes certain actions over others to benefit the company.
An action in a user interface that, once performed, cannot be undone and typically involves deleting or removing content.
A step-by-step guide that helps users complete a complex task by breaking it down into manageable steps.
A graphical representation of a user or their character in digital environments.
The use of AI and advanced analytics to divide users into meaningful segments based on behavior and characteristics.
The tendency to perceive and interpret information based on prior experiences and expectations, influencing how different users perceive design differently.