F Pattern
A common pattern of eye movement where users scan web content in an "F" shape, focusing on the top and left side of the page.
A common pattern of eye movement where users scan web content in an "F" shape, focusing on the top and left side of the page.
A reading pattern where users scan a page in horizontal stripes, focusing on headings and subheadings.
A reading pattern where users skip over certain sections of content, often due to a lack of perceived relevance.
A design principle that suggests a pattern for how people read a webpage, dividing it into four quadrants and emphasizing the importance of the top-left and bottom-right areas.
Common reading patterns users follow when scanning web content, such as the F-pattern, where users read across the top and then scan down the left side.
A reading pattern where users focus on individual elements or "spots" of interest on a page, rather than following a linear path.
A reading pattern where users quickly scan for specific markers or keywords within the content.
Information Visualization (InfoVis) is the study and practice of visual representations of abstract data to reinforce human cognition.