The study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect our perception.
The study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect our perception.
A specific viewport dimension at which a website's layout adjusts to provide an optimal viewing experience across different screen sizes.
The persistence of misinformation in memory and influence on reasoning, even after it has been corrected.
The process of making predictions about future trends based on current and historical data.
A behavioral economic theory that describes how people choose between probabilistic alternatives that involve risk, where the probabilities of outcomes are known.
The ability to identify and interpret patterns in data, often used in machine learning and cognitive psychology.
The dynamic system of content creation, distribution, and interaction within an environment.
Information Visualization (InfoVis) is the study and practice of visual representations of abstract data to reinforce human cognition.
The representation of data through graphical elements like charts, graphs, and maps to facilitate understanding and insights.