Conversational AI
AI systems designed to communicate with users through natural language, enabling human-like interactions.
AI systems designed to communicate with users through natural language, enabling human-like interactions.
The Principle of Choices is an information architecture guideline that emphasizes providing users with meaningful options to navigate and interact with a system.
A user experience that feels consistent and unified across different elements and touchpoints.
A theory that a person's behavior is influenced by and influences personal factors and the environment, creating a continuous loop of interaction between these elements.
The study of how humans interact with systems and products, focusing on improving usability and performance.
The study of computers as persuasive technologies, focusing on how they can change attitudes or behaviors.
Rich Internet Application (RIA) is a web application that offers interactive and engaging user experiences similar to desktop applications.
A concept in transactional analysis that describes three different aspects of the self: Parent, Adult, and Child, each influencing behavior and communication.
A psychological phenomenon where a person who has done a favor for someone is more likely to do another favor for that person than if they had received a favor from them.