The application of neuroscience principles to design, aiming to create more effective and engaging user experiences based on how the brain processes information.
The application of neuroscience principles to design, aiming to create more effective and engaging user experiences based on how the brain processes information.
A team focused on designing and improving the user experience across products and services.
The design of environments in which people make decisions, influencing their choices and behaviors.
A motivational theory suggesting that individuals are motivated to act based on the expected outcomes of their actions and the attractiveness of those outcomes.
The concept that humans have a finite capacity for attention, influencing how they perceive and interact with information.
Minimum Viable Feature (MVF) is the smallest possible version of a feature that delivers value to users and allows for meaningful feedback collection.
Features or elements added to enhance the functionality or user experience of a system.
A phenomenon where information is better remembered if it is generated from one's own mind rather than simply read.
ARIA attributes that describe the current state of an element, such as whether it is selected or expanded.