Forced Action
A dark pattern where the user is required to do something in order to access certain functionality or information.
A dark pattern where the user is required to do something in order to access certain functionality or information.
The process of triggering particular aspects of a person's identity to influence their behavior or decisions.
A reading pattern where users focus on individual elements or "spots" of interest on a page, rather than following a linear path.
Small rewards or incentives given to users to encourage specific behaviors or actions.
The tendency to attribute intentional actions to others' behaviors, often overestimating their intent.
The use of AI and advanced analytics to divide users into meaningful segments based on behavior and characteristics.
A dark pattern where the user is guilt-tripped into opting into something by using language designed to shame them if they decline.
Any process or administrative barrier that unnecessarily complicates transactions and creates friction, discouraging beneficial behaviors.
A strategy where engaging, preferred activities are used to motivate users to complete less engaging, necessary tasks.