Smoke Testing
A preliminary testing method to check whether the most crucial functions of a software application work, without going into finer details.
A preliminary testing method to check whether the most crucial functions of a software application work, without going into finer details.
Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF) is the smallest set of functionality that delivers significant value to users and can be marketed effectively.
A visual tool for organizing information, typically starting with a central concept and branching out to related ideas and details.
An ongoing process of learning about user needs and validating assumptions through continuous research and experimentation.
Narrative descriptions of how users might interact with a product or system to achieve specific goals, used to inform design and development.
The setting where software and systems are actually put into operation for their intended use.
A visual tool used to map out the components and features of a product, showing how they relate to each other and to the overall product vision.
A combination of software tools, technologies, and services used to develop, manage, and deliver a product.
A design process model that outlines four phases: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver, promoting both divergent and convergent thinking.