Retroactive Interference
A phenomenon where new information interferes with the ability to recall previously learned information, affecting memory retention.
A phenomenon where new information interferes with the ability to recall previously learned information, affecting memory retention.
A cognitive bias where people remember scenes as being more expansive than they actually were.
The phenomenon where people follow the direction of another person's gaze, influencing their attention and behavior.
The phenomenon where having too many options leads to anxiety and difficulty making a decision, reducing overall satisfaction.
A cognitive bias where bizarre or unusual information is better remembered than common information.
Also known as "Maslow's Hammer," a cognitive bias where people rely too heavily on a familiar tool or method, often summarized as "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.".
The phenomenon where people continue a failing course of action due to the amount of resources already invested.
A phenomenon where people better understand and remember information when it is presented visually.
Also known as Self Relevance Effect, the tendency for individuals to better remember information that is personally relevant or related to themselves.