A Japanese word meaning inconsistency or variability in processes.
A Japanese word meaning inconsistency or variability in processes.
A design philosophy that emphasizes core design principles over rigid adherence to standardized processes.
New Product Development (NPD) is the complete process of bringing a new product to market, from idea generation to commercialization.
User-Centered Design (UCD) is an iterative design approach that focuses on understanding users' needs, preferences, and limitations throughout the design process.
A metaphor for a balanced approach to product development, considering three core aspects: business viability, technical feasibility, and user desirability.
A behavioral economics model that explains decision-making as a conflict between a present-oriented "doer" and a future-oriented "planner".
The compromises made between different design options, balancing various factors like usability, aesthetics, and functionality.
Proof of Concept (PoC) is a demonstration, usually in the form of a prototype or pilot project, to verify that a concept or theory has practical potential.
Elements in a process that cause resistance or slow down user actions, which can lead to frustration or be used intentionally to prevent errors and encourage deliberate actions.