Mobile-First Indexing
A practice by Google where the mobile version of a website becomes the starting point for what Google includes in its index and the baseline for determining rankings.
A practice by Google where the mobile version of a website becomes the starting point for what Google includes in its index and the baseline for determining rankings.
The drive to perform an activity due to external rewards or pressures rather than for the inherent enjoyment of the activity itself.
Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) is the portion of the Serviceable Addressable Market that a company can realistically capture.
A URL that is structured in a way that is easily readable by both users and search engines, often including keywords to improve search engine optimization.
An algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results, based on the number and quality of links to a page.
A statistical technique that uses several explanatory variables to predict the outcome of a response variable, extending simple linear regression to include multiple input variables.
A strategic research process that involves evaluating competitors' products, services, and market positions to identify opportunities and threats.