The reduction of restraint in behavior, often due to the absence of social cues, which can lead to impulsive actions and emotional outbursts.
The reduction of restraint in behavior, often due to the absence of social cues, which can lead to impulsive actions and emotional outbursts.
Modifications or additions to a system that encourage specific user behaviors.
A temporary increase in the frequency and intensity of a behavior when reinforcement is first removed.
A psychological state where individuals lose their sense of self-awareness and personal responsibility in groups, often leading to atypical behavior.
A cognitive bias where consumers change their preference between two options when presented with a third, less attractive option.
Any process or administrative barrier that unnecessarily complicates transactions and creates friction, discouraging beneficial behaviors.
A strategic framework that designs user experiences to guide behavior and decisions towards desired outcomes.
A psychological phenomenon where people follow the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.
A qualitative research method that studies people in their natural environments to understand their behaviors, cultures, and experiences.