Iconic Representation
The use of icons or graphical symbols to represent objects, actions, or concepts, enhancing usability and visual communication.
The use of icons or graphical symbols to represent objects, actions, or concepts, enhancing usability and visual communication.
A usability testing approach where designers assume that users are easily confused and distracted, focusing on simplicity and clarity in design.
A visual or auditory cue that indicates how to interact with an element in the user interface.
The perceived and actual properties of an object that determine how it could be used.
A principle stating that users spend most of their time on other websites and prefer your site to work the same way as all the other sites they already know.
Principle of Least Astonishment (POLA) is a design guideline stating that interfaces should behave in a way that users expect to avoid confusion.
A technology and research method that measures where and how long a person looks at various areas on a screen or interface.
The tendency to perceive and interpret information based on prior experiences and expectations, influencing how different users perceive design differently.
The principle that ensures user interface elements maintain their size and proportion across different screen densities.