Numeronym for the word "Internationalization" (I + 18 letters + N), enabling localization for different languages, regions, and cultures without requiring extensive rework.
Numeronym for the word "Internationalization" (I + 18 letters + N), enabling localization for different languages, regions, and cultures without requiring extensive rework.
A principle that suggests the simplest explanation is often the correct one, favoring solutions that make the fewest assumptions.
The act of designing and implementing subtle interventions to influence behavior in a predictable way.
Hardware and software designed to assist people with disabilities in using computers and digital content.
Any process or administrative barrier that unnecessarily complicates transactions and creates friction, discouraging beneficial behaviors.
A design strategy that prioritizes the mobile user experience by designing for mobile devices first before scaling up to larger screens.
Obstacles to effective communication that arise from differences in understanding the meanings of words and symbols used by the communicators.
The practice of preserving a user's data and settings between sessions in an application.