Actions, messages, or visuals that are consistent with the established brand identity and values.
Actions, messages, or visuals that are consistent with the established brand identity and values.
The ability to intuitively understand what makes a product successful, including market needs, user experience, and competitive landscape.
An Agile project management framework that uses iterative cycles, called sprints, to deliver incremental improvements and adapt to changing requirements.
The process of optimizing content and website structure to improve visibility and ranking in voice search results.
Actions, messages, or visuals that do not align with the established brand identity and values.
Customer Experience Management (CEM) is the process of managing and improving the interactions and experiences customers have with a brand across all touchpoints.
A behavioral economics model that explains decision-making as a conflict between a present-oriented "doer" and a future-oriented "planner".
Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a software development principle for reducing repetition and redundancy.
A group of stakeholders that regularly meet to discuss and guide the development and strategy of a product or product line.