Entry Point
The first interaction or touchpoint a user has with a product or service, crucial for making a strong first impression.
The first interaction or touchpoint a user has with a product or service, crucial for making a strong first impression.
A prompt or cue that initiates a behavior or response, often used in behavior design to encourage specific actions.
A usability test to see what impression users get within the first 10 seconds of interacting with a product or page.
The initial interaction a customer has with a brand.
A psychological state where individuals feel as though the success and well-being of a project or task is their personal responsibility, akin to having an "owner's mentality.".
The process by which consumers become aware of and learn about a brand.
The percentage of users who take a specific action that signifies they are engaging with a product or service.
A role focused on driving user acquisition, engagement, and retention through data-driven strategies and experiments.
A usability test where users are shown a design for 5 seconds to measure recall and initial reactions.