House of Brands
A brand architecture strategy where multiple distinct brands are managed under a single parent company.
A brand architecture strategy where multiple distinct brands are managed under a single parent company.
The deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making, due to mental exhaustion.
A cognitive bias where the pain of losing is psychologically more powerful than the pleasure of gaining.
Design strategies aimed at preventing user errors before they occur.
A fictional character created to represent a user type that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way, guiding design decisions.
The dynamic system of content creation, distribution, and interaction within an environment.
Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse (SCAMPER) is a creative thinking technique that encourages innovation in a product or process.
The cues and hints that users follow to find information online, based on perceived relevance and usefulness.
Short, exploratory design activities or exercises that encourage creative thinking and experimentation.