Risk-as-Feelings Theory
A theory that emphasizes the role of emotions in risk perception and decision-making, where feelings about risk often diverge from cognitive assessments.
A theory that emphasizes the role of emotions in risk perception and decision-making, where feelings about risk often diverge from cognitive assessments.
User consent settings for allowing or denying the storage of cookies on their device.
The process of systematically collecting, analyzing, and acting on feedback from users to improve products and services.
A behavioral economics concept where people categorize and treat money differently depending on its source or intended use.
A research approach that starts with a theory or hypothesis and uses data to test it, often moving from general to specific.
The enhancement or diminishment of perception, cognition, or related performance as a result of exposure to a stimulus of greater or lesser value in the same dimension.
A type of long-term memory involving information that can be consciously recalled, such as facts and events.
The phenomenon where a humanoid object that appears almost, but not exactly, like a real human causes discomfort in observers.
A tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences, used in data mining and machine learning for both classification and regression tasks.