Worse-Than-Average Effect
A cognitive bias where individuals underestimate their own abilities and performance relative to others, believing they are worse than average.
A cognitive bias where individuals underestimate their own abilities and performance relative to others, believing they are worse than average.
The risk that the product will not be financially or strategically sustainable for the business, potentially leading to a lack of support or profitability.
A cognitive bias that leads individuals to prefer things to remain the same rather than change, often resisting new options or changes.
Any process or administrative barrier that unnecessarily complicates transactions and creates friction, discouraging beneficial behaviors.
A cognitive bias where individuals overestimate their ability to control impulsive behavior, leading to overexposure to temptations.
A social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action, fostering mutual benefit and cooperation.
Decision-making strategies that use simple heuristics to make quick, efficient, and satisfactory choices with limited information.
The tendency to overestimate how much our future preferences and behaviors will align with our current preferences and behaviors.
A cognitive bias where people prefer familiar things over unfamiliar ones, even if the unfamiliar options are objectively better.