Matched Pairs Design
An experimental design where subjects are paired based on certain characteristics, and then one is assigned to the treatment and the other to the control group.
An experimental design where subjects are paired based on certain characteristics, and then one is assigned to the treatment and the other to the control group.
A meeting at the end of a sprint where the development team presents their completed work to stakeholders.
A Gestalt principle that states that objects that are similar in appearance are perceived as being more related than objects that are dissimilar.
A research design where the same participants are used in all conditions of an experiment, allowing for the comparison of different conditions within the same group.
A problem-solving approach that involves breaking down complex problems into their most basic, foundational elements.
A technology and research method that measures where and how long a person looks at various areas on a screen or interface.
A symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution of data where most observations cluster around the mean.
Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF) is the smallest set of functionality that delivers significant value to users and can be marketed effectively.
A range of values, derived from sample statistics, that is likely to contain the value of an unknown population parameter.