Numeronym for the word "Accessibility" (A + 11 letters + Y), designing for ease of use by all people, ensuring equal access to those with disabilities.
Numeronym for the word "Accessibility" (A + 11 letters + Y), designing for ease of use by all people, ensuring equal access to those with disabilities.
Replacing one UI component with another, often used in adaptive or dynamic interfaces.
Ensuring that color choices in design are inclusive and usable by people with color vision deficiencies.
Design strategies aimed at preventing user errors before they occur.
A reading pattern where users focus on individual elements or "spots" of interest on a page, rather than following a linear path.
A theory that explains how information is processed through different sensory modalities, such as visual, auditory, and tactile.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study of designing interfaces and interactions between humans and computers.
Pre-selected options in a user interface that are chosen to benefit the majority of users.
A cognitive bias where someone mistakenly assumes that others have the same background knowledge they do.