Build Server
A server dedicated to automating the process of building and compiling code, running tests, and generating software artifacts.
A server dedicated to automating the process of building and compiling code, running tests, and generating software artifacts.
A problem-solving process that includes logical reasoning, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking.
The practice of being open and honest about operations, decisions, and business practices, fostering trust and accountability.
A set of criteria that a user story or task must meet before being accepted into the development cycle, ensuring it is actionable and clear.
A programming paradigm that uses objects and classes to structure software design, promoting reusability and scalability.
A prioritization framework used to assess and compare the value a feature will deliver to users against the complexity and cost of implementing it.
An organization that places the product at the center of its operations, ensuring that all departments align their efforts to support product development and success.
Minimum Viable Feature (MVF) is the smallest possible version of a feature that delivers value to users and allows for meaningful feedback collection.
A set of fundamental principles and guidelines that inform and shape marketing practices.