Layer Cake Pattern
A reading pattern where users scan a page in horizontal stripes, focusing on headings and subheadings.
A reading pattern where users scan a page in horizontal stripes, focusing on headings and subheadings.
An approach to design that aligns design activities with strategic business goals, ensuring that design contributes to overall organizational success.
The dynamic system of content creation, distribution, and interaction within an environment.
The loss of customers over a specific period, also known as customer churn.
Also known as "Maslow's Hammer," a cognitive bias where people rely too heavily on a familiar tool or method, often summarized as "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.".
The process of phasing out or retiring a product or feature that is no longer viable or needed.
A cognitive bias where someone mistakenly assumes that others have the same background knowledge they do.
The risk that users will find the product difficult or confusing to use, preventing them from effectively utilizing its features.
A cognitive bias where group members tend to discuss information that everyone already knows rather than sharing unique information, leading to less effective decision-making.