The parts of a service or product that are visible to and interact with the user, as opposed to the backstage operations.
The parts of a service or product that are visible to and interact with the user, as opposed to the backstage operations.
A specific form of banner blindness where users ignore content placed in the right-hand rail of a web page.
The ability of an object to stand out and attract attention within its environment.
The tendency for people to pay more attention to items placed in the center of a visual field.
A phenomenon where users consciously or subconsciously ignore banner-like information or advertisements on websites.
Emerging patterns and movements in design that gain popularity and influence on a global scale.
Elements of a service or product that are not visible to the user but are essential for delivering the front-stage experience.
The concept in web design referring to the portion of a webpage that is visible without scrolling, with content placed above the fold being more immediately visible.
A set of ten general principles for user interface design created by Jakob Nielsen to improve usability.