Reverse Ideation
A creative thinking technique where the typical process is reversed to generate new ideas by considering the opposite of conventional assumptions.
A creative thinking technique where the typical process is reversed to generate new ideas by considering the opposite of conventional assumptions.
A brainstorming technique that frames problems as opportunities for innovation, starting with the phrase "How might we...?".
The context and set of conditions surrounding a problem that needs to be solved.
An enhanced version of the SCAMPER technique that includes additional prompts to further stimulate creativity and innovation.
A brainstorming technique where participants intentionally suggest bad ideas to spur creative thinking and overcome mental blocks.
Methods and techniques used to overcome mental blocks that hinder creative thinking and problem-solving.
A clear, concise description of the issue(s) that need to be addressed, focusing on the specific challenge and its impact.
A cognitive process used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, often contrasted with convergent thinking.
A brainstorming technique where participants draw their ideas instead of writing them down.