Irrational Escalation
The phenomenon where people continue a failing course of action due to the amount of resources already invested.
The phenomenon where people continue a failing course of action due to the amount of resources already invested.
A cognitive bias where individuals believe that past random events affect the probabilities of future random events.
A cognitive bias where individuals tend to avoid risks when they perceive potential losses more acutely than potential gains.
Anchoring (also known as Focalism) is a cognitive bias where individuals rely heavily on the first piece of information (the "anchor") when making decisions.
The process of creating an interface that displays key performance indicators and metrics in a visually accessible way.
A behavioral economics model that explains decision-making as a conflict between a present-oriented "doer" and a future-oriented "planner".
A cognitive bias where people overestimate the importance of information that is readily available.
A heuristic where individuals evenly distribute resources across all options, regardless of their specific needs or potential.
The process by which a measure or metric comes to replace the underlying objective it is intended to represent, leading to distorted decision-making.