Metaphor Brainstorming
A creative problem-solving technique that uses metaphors to generate ideas and solutions.
A creative problem-solving technique that uses metaphors to generate ideas and solutions.
An enhanced version of the SCAMPER technique that includes additional prompts to further stimulate creativity and innovation.
A brainstorming technique where participants sketch eight ideas in eight minutes to generate a wide range of concepts quickly.
A brainstorming technique that frames problems as opportunities for innovation, starting with the phrase "How might we...?".
The study of how the brain perceives and responds to art and design, exploring the neural basis for aesthetic experiences.
Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse (SCAMPER) is a creative thinking technique that encourages innovation in a product or process.
The process of generating a broad set of ideas on a given topic, with no attempt to judge or evaluate them initially.
A creative thinking technique where the typical process is reversed to generate new ideas by considering the opposite of conventional assumptions.
A brainstorming technique where participants draw their ideas instead of writing them down.