Content-First Design
An approach to design where content is prioritized and designed before other elements like layout and visual design.
An approach to design where content is prioritized and designed before other elements like layout and visual design.
Common reading patterns users follow when scanning web content, such as the F-pattern, where users read across the top and then scan down the left side.
The ease with which users can quickly find and understand information on a webpage or document, often enhanced by design elements like headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.
A reading pattern where users scan a page in horizontal stripes, focusing on headings and subheadings.
A reading pattern where users focus on individual elements or "spots" of interest on a page, rather than following a linear path.
A specific form of banner blindness where users ignore content placed in the right-hand rail of a web page.
A common pattern of eye movement where users scan web content in an "F" shape, focusing on the top and left side of the page.
The consistent spacing of text and elements in a design to create a harmonious and readable layout.
A framework used in graphic and web design to organize content in a structured and consistent manner.