Behavioral Game Theory
The study of strategic decision making, incorporating psychological insights into traditional game theory models.
The study of strategic decision making, incorporating psychological insights into traditional game theory models.
The process of breaking down decisions into smaller, manageable stages to simplify the decision-making process.
Rich Internet Application (RIA) is a web application that offers interactive and engaging user experiences similar to desktop applications.
A guided, interactive overlay that introduces users to features or tasks within an application.
The tendency for people to believe that others are telling the truth, leading to a general assumption of honesty in communication.
The study of the relationships between people, practices, values, and technologies within an information environment.
A holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems.
A mode of thinking, derived from Dual Process Theory, that is slow, deliberate, and analytical, requiring more cognitive effort and conscious reasoning.
An approach to design that considers the entire user journey and all touchpoints, ensuring a seamless and cohesive experience.