Change Blindness
A phenomenon where users fail to notice significant changes in their visual field.
A phenomenon where users fail to notice significant changes in their visual field.
A phenomenon where the probability of recalling an item from a list depends on the length of the list.
Also known as "Maslow's Hammer," a cognitive bias where people rely too heavily on a familiar tool or method, often summarized as "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.".
A cognitive bias where bizarre or unusual information is better remembered than common information.
A phenomenon where new information interferes with the ability to recall previously learned information, affecting memory retention.
The phenomenon where having too many options leads to anxiety and difficulty making a decision, reducing overall satisfaction.
A cognitive bias where people see patterns in random data.
A cognitive bias where individuals with low ability at a task overestimate their ability, while experts underestimate their competence.
The tendency to forget information that can be easily found online, also known as digital amnesia.