Worse-Than-Average Effect
A cognitive bias where individuals underestimate their own abilities and performance relative to others, believing they are worse than average.
A cognitive bias where individuals underestimate their own abilities and performance relative to others, believing they are worse than average.
A cognitive bias where the perception of one positive trait influences the perception of other unrelated traits.
A cognitive bias where bizarre or unusual information is better remembered than common information.
A cognitive bias where people prefer a smaller set of higher-quality options over a larger set with lower overall quality.
A phenomenon where people fail to recognize a repeated item in a visual sequence, impacting information processing and perception.
A cognitive bias where people assume others share the same beliefs, values, or preferences as themselves.
A cognitive bias where someone mistakenly assumes that others have the same background knowledge they do.
A cognitive bias where individuals believe that past random events affect the probabilities of future random events.
The persistence of misinformation in memory and influence on reasoning, even after it has been corrected.