Crystallized Intelligence
The ability to use learned knowledge and experience, often increasing with age and accumulated learning.
The ability to use learned knowledge and experience, often increasing with age and accumulated learning.
A set of cognitive processes that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control, crucial for planning, decision-making, and behavior regulation.
A cognitive bias where individuals with low ability at a task overestimate their ability, while experts underestimate their competence.
A cognitive bias where individuals underestimate their own abilities and performance relative to others, believing they are worse than average.
A cognitive bias where people judge the likelihood of an event based on its relative size rather than absolute probability.
The series of actions or operations involved in the acquisition, interpretation, storage, and retrieval of information.
A cognitive bias where individuals overestimate their ability to control impulsive behavior, leading to overexposure to temptations.
The cognitive bias where people treat a set of items as more significant when they are perceived as a cohesive group.
The ability to identify and interpret patterns in data, often used in machine learning and cognitive psychology.