Affective Commitment
The emotional attachment an employee feels toward their organization, which influences their desire to stay.
The emotional attachment an employee feels toward their organization, which influences their desire to stay.
The economic theory that suggests limited availability of a resource increases its value, influencing decision-making and behavior.
The value or satisfaction derived from a decision, influencing the choices people make.
A cognitive bias that causes people to believe they are less likely to experience negative events and more likely to experience positive events than others.
The tendency for individuals to put in less effort when working in a group compared to when working alone, due to reduced accountability.
A theory that suggests there is an optimal level of arousal for peak performance, and too much or too little arousal can negatively impact performance.
A psychological perspective that emphasizes the study of the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual, focusing on concepts such as self-actualization and personal growth.
A research approach that starts with observations and develops broader generalizations or theories from them.
Quantitative data that provides broad, numerical insights but often lacks the contextual depth that thick data provides.