Projection Bias
The tendency to overestimate how much our future preferences and behaviors will align with our current preferences and behaviors.
The tendency to overestimate how much our future preferences and behaviors will align with our current preferences and behaviors.
The reduction of restraint in behavior, often due to the absence of social cues, which can lead to impulsive actions and emotional outbursts.
The study of cultural norms, values, and practices and their influence on human behavior.
The study of how colors affect perceptions and behaviors.
A cognitive bias where individuals evaluate outcomes relative to a reference point rather than on an absolute scale.
The process of providing incentives or rewards to encourage specific behaviors or actions.
The drive to perform an activity due to external rewards or pressures rather than for the inherent enjoyment of the activity itself.
The cognitive bias where people treat a set of items as more significant when they are perceived as a cohesive group.
A cognitive bias where individuals tend to avoid risks when they perceive potential losses more acutely than potential gains.