Commitment Device
A technique or tool used to lock oneself into following through on a commitment, often by adding a cost to failing to do so.
A technique or tool used to lock oneself into following through on a commitment, often by adding a cost to failing to do so.
The process of providing incentives or rewards to encourage specific behaviors or actions.
The act of persuading individuals or organizations to act in a certain way based on moral arguments or appeals.
A research method that involves repeated observations of the same variables over a period of time.
A phenomenon where individuals' preferences between options change when the options are presented in different ways or contexts.
The psychological discomfort experienced when parting with money, influenced by the payment method and context.
A cognitive bias where consumers change their preference between two options when presented with a third, less attractive option.
The tendency to cling to one's beliefs even in the face of contradictory evidence.
The tendency to believe that things will always function the way they normally have, often leading to underestimation of disaster risks.