Halo Effect
A cognitive bias where the perception of one positive trait influences the perception of other unrelated traits.
A cognitive bias where the perception of one positive trait influences the perception of other unrelated traits.
The tendency for individuals to favor information that aligns with their existing beliefs and to avoid information that contradicts them.
The percentage of visitors to a website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
A cognitive bias where individuals better remember the most recent information they have encountered, influencing decision-making and memory recall.
The tendency to forget information that can be easily found online, also known as digital amnesia.
A cognitive bias where people prefer familiar things over unfamiliar ones, even if the unfamiliar options are objectively better.
The economic theory that suggests limited availability of a resource increases its value, influencing decision-making and behavior.
The tendency for individuals to recall information that is consistent with their current mood.
A decision-making strategy that involves choosing an option that meets the minimum requirements rather than seeking the optimal solution, balancing effort and outcome.