F Pattern
A common pattern of eye movement where users scan web content in an "F" shape, focusing on the top and left side of the page.
A common pattern of eye movement where users scan web content in an "F" shape, focusing on the top and left side of the page.
A key aspect of Gestalt psychology where complex patterns arise out of relatively simple interactions.
A cognitive bias where people see patterns in random data.
A dark pattern where the user is guilt-tripped into opting into something by using language designed to shame them if they decline.
Common reading patterns users follow when scanning web content, such as the F-pattern, where users read across the top and then scan down the left side.
UI patterns that excessively demand user attention, often interrupting the user experience.
A collection of design patterns that provides solutions to common design problems.
A reading pattern where users scan a page in horizontal stripes, focusing on headings and subheadings.
A dark pattern where it's easy to get into a situation but hard to get out of it, such as signing up for a service but finding it difficult to cancel.