A machine learning-based search engine algorithm used by Google to help process search queries and provide more relevant results.
A machine learning-based search engine algorithm used by Google to help process search queries and provide more relevant results.
An algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results, based on the number and quality of links to a page.
A metric that predicts how well a specific page will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).
Numeronym for the word "Canonicalization" (C + 14 letters + N), converting data to a standard, normalized form to ensure consistency and eliminate ambiguities, often used in URLs to avoid duplicate content issues in SEO.
Code added to a webpage to help search engines understand the content and provide more informative results for users, enhancing SEO.
The process by which search engines systematically browse the internet to index and retrieve information from websites.
The underlying goal or motivation behind a user's search query, crucial for understanding and optimizing content to meet user needs and improve SEO.
The time it takes for a webpage to load and become interactive, impacting user experience and search engine rankings.
An automated program used by search engines to browse the internet and index web pages, aiding in the retrieval of relevant information during a search query.